Monday, January 27, 2025

Reviving Souvenirs

For my second Revive25 in 2025 mini-project, I revived a souvenir. I purchased a painting when we went to Australia in 2017. It was just the canvas and I wanted to put it on proper backing when I came home but never did.

I stored the canvas somewhere special in the last few years and couldn't remember where I put it. A few months ago, I found it and was surprised to be reminded that it was titled "two kanagaroos jumping at sunset". The funny thing is that I didn't see kangaroos at sunset in 2017. I saw them at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney and then my husband's cousin took us to see wild kangaroos at a golf course in Melbourne. They were hopping up and down the side of the fairways. I couldn't imagine golfing and walking by kangaroos. I was amazed! So although I saw kangaroos on that trip, it wasn't at sunset. 

Last fall we returned to Australia to visit another cousin who lives in Perth. Her property is surrounded by a tall fence to keep the kangaroos out because they are destructive when they come on the property. At sunset, we went to the edge of the property by the fence to see the kangaroos because that's when we can see them hopping. At the airport, I purchased a fridge magnet of kangaroos at sunset, not remembering the painting I bought in Sydney.

I love the connection from one trip to the other and the full circle story of the kangaroos at sunset. I'm happy to finally have the painting on display.

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