Tomorrow is February 29th. Leap Day!
Do you have memories on this day? I don't remember anything specific from my past leap days. I remember that a friend of a friend has her birthday on that day. I have watched the movie Leap Year but can't remember if I did on Leap Day.
I look forward to opening my TimeHop app tomorrow to see what photos I took and tweets or Facebook messages I posted on this day.
Special days give us the opportunity to make memories.
By chance I am flying to Hawaii on the 29th this year. Leap Days will have special meaning to me in the future, but only if I make a conscious choice to remember the date that I flew to Hawaii. I don't remember the date that I flew to many other destinations. It's not something that we remember if it's just another date.
To make a date memorable, we need to celebrate it. To mark it as a special day. We want to involve all our senses so I hope that it's true that the smells in Hawaii are unforgettable. I will hopefully have a Mai Tai (or other special cocktail) upon arrival rather than my regular glass of wine. I will see if I can download Leap Year to watch on the plane on the way there.
I will add an event in my calendar for the next Leap Year to have a Mai Tai, put on a flowery dress and celebrate the day we went to Hawaii for the first time.
Before I knew that I was going to Hawaii, I had planned to try to make February 29th memorable. As part of my Revive55 Project, I want to re-create past memories and create new ones. We don't have to go on holiday to create special memories.
If you have past Leap Day memories, are they worth repeating or re-creating?
If you don't have past Leap Day memories, create something new and special. Is there a place in your city or town where you are that you've always wanted to go but haven't? Make it a Leap Day tradition.
Is there a restaurant or activity you love but it's too extravagant to do every year? Do it every 4 years!
Is there a tourist attraction that going every year is too often for you? Because it's there and you could go anytime, maybe time passes and you don't go? I'm thinking of the CN Tower as an example. The majority of people in Toronto probably haven't been up the CN Tower in the last decade. It's a great idea as a Leap Year experience and since it's not very often, splurge by having a drink or meal. Order something different so that it's even more memorable.
If you'd rather enjoy the day at home, try a new recipe, use your good china and crystal, watch Leap Year if you like romantic comedies or do something else memorable.
According to an Irish legend, St. Brigid struck a deal with St. Patrick to allow women to propose to men on Leap Day. This is believed to have been to balance the traditional roles of men and women like how leap day balances the calendar.
As a new tradition, you could find a new Irish recipe or find an Irish pub to celebrate.
Whether you choose to celebrate Leap Day or not, I hope you enjoyed the second month of 2020.
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