When I used to teach photo album-making classes as a Creative Memories Consultant, one of my first questions was "where are your photos?". The answers I received before digital photos were a lot simpler than they are today.
I would love to know where your photos are. If you want to share, please copy and paste the following questions and send me your answers at suzanne@revive55project.com.
In case you're interested, I'll include my answers at the bottom of this post in case you want to see them before or after you answer yourself.
1. Where are your physical photos?
a) In photo albums
b) Organized in boxes, folders
c) Disorganized in boxes, folders
d) Other: ___________________
2. Are you happy with the state of your physical photos?
a) Yes
b) No
c) No but it’s not a priority so I’m okay with it.
3. Where are your original digital photos (not back up photos)?
a) In an organization program like Photoshop Organizer, Lightroom, Apple Photos, Picasa, etc.
b) In dated folders on my computer
c) On my phone
d) On an external hard drive, USB/flash drives, SD cards
e) In the cloud
f) Other: ______________________
4. Are you happy with the state of your digital photos?
a) Yes
b) No
c) No but it’s not a priority so I’m okay with it.
5. Do you delete or throw away photos?
a) Yes - blurry and unflattering ones
b) Yes - all except the very best
c) Yes - somewhere in between
d) No
6. Can you tell the difference between your best photos and the clutter?
a) Yes - I only keep the best
b) Yes - I rank, heart or star the best ones
c) Yes - I have the best ones in separate folders or albums
d) No - the best are mixed in with the rest
7. How many photos do you have?
a) On your phone: _________
b) On your computer: __________
c) On external drives (originals not backed up): ___________
d) In cloud (originals not backed up): __________
e) I don’t know
f) How can I tell?
g) The number doesn’t matter to me
8. Do you feel like you can easily find a photo from a specific event when you want to?
a) Yes in seconds/minutes (in an album or computer)
b) Yes in under an hour (in an album or computer)
c) Sometimes
d) I wouldn’t know where to start to look
e) Other: ___________________
9. Could you recover your photo collection in case of:
a) House damage (fire, water, damage, etc.)
i) Yes photos are on the cloud/online
ii) Yes negatives, hard drive, files are stored elsewhere
iii) No
b) Computer crashes and is not fixable
i) Yes photos are copied on cloud, web, hard drive, USB or SD cards
ii) Yes photos are also on phone
iii) Yes lower quality copies are on Facebook
iv) No
c) Phone or tablet is lost or broken
i) Yes photos are backed up elsewhere
ii) No
10. What do you love most about your photo organization?
11. What do you hope to improve about your photo organization?
12. Who is in charge of your photos?
a) You
b) You and your partner share the same collection
c) You and your partner have separate collections
Although my digital photos are sort of organized, I feel that my system needs improving and be more time efficient. I feel that there is a better way to organize, curate and maintain our photos in the digital age.
Ten years ago, I posted this on social media:
I love my enthusiasm and hope that I would declutter our photos. For the past ten years, I have been feeling the weight as more and more photos were added to our collection.
Don't get me wrong. I looooove our photos and videos. I am very happy I have them.
For years, I kept thinking that my focus should be on decluttering. I spent hours deleting thousands of photos but then thousands more were added and the original number of photos I tried to decrease is surpassed again. I would get discouraged and at times give up trying.
As I see that message from 10 years ago, I recognize that I don't want to feel this way for the next 10 years. I also recognize that I should focus my time on the photos I love (a joy) not on the photos I don't want (a chore).
I think that the way of the past isn't the way of the future.
At the moment, I feel like I need to let go of my past collection. I don't want to spend the time required to delete unnecessary photos. I have used PhotoSweeper to find duplicates but even that application is time consuming to ensure I keep the edited version or the better version of the original or HDR one.
I want to let go of past mistakes and create a new way of capturing memories with photos. That's what I will focus my time on.
I would love to get feedback on where your photos are to see if most people are happy with the way things are or are looking for a better way like I am.
Thank you for reading and your feedback.
Here are my answers:
Ten years ago, I posted this on social media:
I love my enthusiasm and hope that I would declutter our photos. For the past ten years, I have been feeling the weight as more and more photos were added to our collection.
Don't get me wrong. I looooove our photos and videos. I am very happy I have them.
For years, I kept thinking that my focus should be on decluttering. I spent hours deleting thousands of photos but then thousands more were added and the original number of photos I tried to decrease is surpassed again. I would get discouraged and at times give up trying.
As I see that message from 10 years ago, I recognize that I don't want to feel this way for the next 10 years. I also recognize that I should focus my time on the photos I love (a joy) not on the photos I don't want (a chore).
I think that the way of the past isn't the way of the future.
At the moment, I feel like I need to let go of my past collection. I don't want to spend the time required to delete unnecessary photos. I have used PhotoSweeper to find duplicates but even that application is time consuming to ensure I keep the edited version or the better version of the original or HDR one.
I want to let go of past mistakes and create a new way of capturing memories with photos. That's what I will focus my time on.
I would love to get feedback on where your photos are to see if most people are happy with the way things are or are looking for a better way like I am.
Thank you for reading and your feedback.
Here are my answers:
- My physical photos are in photo albums and mostly organized in photo boxes.
- I'm fairly happy with the state of my physical photos. I have a couple of years worth of printed photos that still need to be added to photo albums.
- My digital photos are in multiple organization programs, in dated folders on my computer, on my phone, on an external hard drive, USB drives and in the cloud. Sounds overwhelming!
- I'm not completely happy with the state of my digital photos.
- I have deleted thousands of photos but keep most.
- I try to rank or heart my best photos but there are lots that are not.
- On my phone I have 46455 photos/videos (same as iCloud and Apple photos that are linked).
In Photoshop 69929 (pre-May 2014) and in Lightroom 61908. - I can easily find a photo if I have an idea of the date or it's organized in a themed folder eg. a place, a person or activity.
- My negatives and photo albums are in my house (I have had negatives elsewhere at times but they're back here). I have scanned a lot of my childhood physical photos but there are still tons that I would lose. My computer and back up drive are in our house so if something happened to them physically, I would only have icloud, Flickr and Lightroom app photos.
- I love that my photos are organized by theme (places, people, activities, etc.); that a lot of photos are ranked or marked with a heart; and that they are backed up.
- I hope to better protect in case of disaster; I hope to find a less time consuming way to organize and curate my collection and I hope to be prepared for change in technology. For example, what happens to my Photoshop collection organization (with rankings, albums, tags, etc.) when the application is no longer compatible with newer computers. I think it's no longer available for purchase and possibly no longer supported.
- My husband and I share a collection and I have a separate collection.